What’s the Trencher Effect? It’s the end result of the trencher versus excavator debate. It’s one machine outworking and outperforming multiple excavators all while digging pristine trenches and creating its own backfill. It’s better margins, better performance and better trenches. Because in many scenarios, a trencher can work three to four times faster than an excavator — and that’s something you just can’t ignore.
Excavators must dig, then dump. Dig, then dump. Dig, then dump. So much time wasted dumping. Meanwhile, trenchers just…dig. Continuously. Never stopping to turn and dump. It’s no wonder, then, that under many ground conditions, a single Vermeer trencher can perform the work of several excavators.
Plus, with a clean, level bottom, the trench needs little bedding. The trench will have straight walls, thus removing only the amount of spoil needed. Unlike excavators, Vermeer trenchers cut their own spoils, providing their own backfill. The result? A clean, custom trench ready for installation with built-in backfill. Quickly and all in one shot.